
The following are links to sites that we recommend. While not all the sites are run by Gardnerians or even about Gardnerians, they do contain information of value or give an objective and truthful account. The content and criteria are determined by those sites and moderators.


  • Gardnerian Wicca Seekers and Initiates — This Facebook group is for those who are looking to train with a Gardnerian Coven or for seekers to ask questions of verified initiates. The site is run by Gardnerians and any who claim to be a Gardnerian are verified. It has representatives from the USA, Canada, the UK and Europe.
  • Inclusive Wicca Discussion Group – a friendly group for both seekers and initiates who want to discuss making Wicca more inclusive to gender and sexual diversity, people of colour, and people with a disability.
  • Mandragora Magika – a directory of covens, groups, pub moots, and online resources. Run by and for Gardnerians.
  • Inclusive Wicca website – inclusive Wicca includes all participants regardless of sexual orientation, disability, age, ethnicity, or other differences, not by erasing or ignoring the distinctions, but by working with them creatively within initiatory Craft. It is a tendency within Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca, just like progressive Wicca.
  • The Doreen Valiente Foundation – charitable foundation dedicated to preserving Doreen Valiente’s collection of magical items, and publishing her work.
  • Silver Circle – Holland – a Wiccan site in Holland.
  • Silver Circle – España – a Wiccan site in Spain.
  • Silver Circle – Germany – a Wiccan site in Germany.
  • Wiccan Rede – magazine of Wicca and modern Witchcraft
  • Gerald Gardner – The History of Wicca – an online resource for information on Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) and his influence on modern Wicca.
  • The Wica – This is a website about the people behind the resurgence of interest in modern day Witchcraft. A highly informative website about the history of the Craft
  • The Museum of Witchcraft – Boscastle, Cornwall – an excellent museum with a fascinating collection of artefacts relating to ritual magic, folk magic, witchcraft, and Wicca.
  • – a Wiccan site in Sweden
  • Wiccabrac – a British Gardnerian Wicca site


  • Theologies of immanence – a collection of articles about Pagan and related theologies, praxis, and ethics.
  • Pagan Consent Culture – a resources website to accompany the book of the same name edited by Christine Hoff Kraemer and Yvonne Aburrow

Other witchcraft traditions

Wiccan blogs (A to Z)

Blogs by Wiccans about Wicca

  • A Bad Witch’s Blog – a blog about Paganism, witchcraft, and the experiences of a witch living in the UK
  • Gardnerians – a satirical blog of Gardnerian life – “No one speaks for all of us, but some are louder than others”
  • Leaves from a Book of Shadows – a blog reflecting on Wiccan and Pagan values, practices, and theologies.
  • Oathbound – the blog of Thorn Mooney, writing about coven life and the Wiccan journey
  • Raise the Horns – Jason Mankey – Patheos blog about all aspects of Wiccan life and culture
  • Cup of Wisdom – Gardnerian Wicca in Cork, Ireland
  • Thorn Mooney – Witch, Author, Wiccan Priestess, Coven leader

Blogs by Wiccans about Paganism in general

 Wiccan history

  • The Wica (Melissa Seims) – a website about the people behind the resurgence of interest in modern day Witchcraft. Includes brief biographies, old documents, newspaper clippings, photos, & pictures
  • – a collection of biographies and articles about Wiccan and related topics
  • History of Wicca (Wikipedia) – an excellent summary of Wiccan history

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